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Old Faithful Bidets Gift Card

Old Faithful Bidets Gift Card

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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A bidet is a personal object for many people. Being close enough to someone to give them a bidet means that you are in the inner circle, the circle of trust, the round table.  A bidet is a great gift, but one or two people might think that it's just a bit too personal.  That's where the Old Faithful Bidets Gift Card comes into place.  You want to give a person a life altering present, but you feel that they should be the one to pick it out themselves.  Our gift cards are a nudge in the right direction for that person.  All orders made with a gift card come with an Old Faithful Bidets sticker so that the recipient can say, "yeah, I'm in someone's circle of trust."

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